Making a difference in the lives of children.
4 The Children makes a difference in children’s lives in Colorado.
"CASA has been instrumental in many of my child welfare cases. In one particular case, I was the GAL for two special needs children and the CASA was fundamental in ensuring the children's safety. The CASA met with the kids at least weekly and provided invaluable insight into the children's needs." - Beth

“Post-divorce custody transitions can be uncomfortable. At times communicating and interacting with the other parent is challenging. The experience we have had with the 4 The Children has been life changing for me. It has been positive for our children and has helped to protect them from potential conflict.”

“I am so appreciative of our local CASA program here in Durango. My husband and I live in Bayfield and 2 years ago we became foster parents to our Grandson age 6 then. CASA was there to help us and our Grandson get comfortable with all the new life changes we all were going through. They showed so much compassion and understanding it made it really easy to talk with them and our Grandson loved to have them come and visit him.”

"Having access to a safe exchange program in our community helped my family get through a very difficult time period when we, as parents, could not interact in a way that felt emotionally safe for all of us. It was a huge support to know that the scheduled times our kids would move from one household to the other didn't have to be stressful for them, or for us as parents. Having a skilled, kind caregiver available for exchange helped our kids feel comfortable with what might have otherwise been a confusing, difficult situation for them."
Former SEPT Client