Protecting childhood today for stronger families tomorrow.
Advocating and supporting children in Southwest Colorado who have experienced abuse, neglect, or family related trauma.
4 the Children Programs
Supervised Exchange & Parenting Time
Providing supervised exchange and parenting time to promote healthy parent/child relationships.
Court Appointed Special Advocates
Helping to break the cycle of child abuse and neglect through advocacy and interaction.
Child Advocacy Center
A community-based, child-friendly, service for children and families affected by sexual abuse.
About Us
4 The Children’s Staff and Board of Directors is comprised of a team of compassionate, intelligent community members, dedicated to making a positive difference in our community. The positive effects of our programs can span generations, protecting childhood today for stronger families tomorrow.
How to Help
4 the Children’s services are made possible through the generous donations to help support the children of our community. Read on to learn how you can help.
4 The Children needs your donations to help launch our much-needed Child Advocacy Center and to ensure the success of our current programs, SEPT and CAC.
The services offered by 4 the Children are not possible without the support of volunteers giving their priceless time and expertise.
Wish List
4 The Children is always appreciative of donated goods to help support our programs. From furniture to toys, art supplies to computers, every donation plays a part in helping build stronger families.